2011 U.S. launch of the brand J. Crew wedding dress theme series

Interesting design to the world-famous American brand J. Crew has recently released a series of print ads by 2011 a large weddingdresses. Cheap to build high-end fashion garments with a sense of the design concept for J. Crew, including Michelle Obama won numerous fashion, including the heart. The wedding dress theme design is adhering to this philosophy, fashion design in a simple style, revealing the charm of luxury.
The design is often more straightforward to win people's hearts. J. Crew A-Line Mother Dress design, while simple, not too many accessories decoration, but its design is a dazzling variety of styles, whether it is a sleeveless dress or Bra designers are embedded in a very striking imagination. Not so much a wedding, but also allow you to senior dinner with dazzling brilliance.
J. Crew design showing the nature of the moving closer to the pure tone and simple freshness. The Moonlight Wedding Dress in white and cream-based, short skirts and sexy length skirt exudes charm, decorated with diamonds on the dress added a lot more gorgeous atmosphere. Complete with a flowing chiffon design, so that the bride elegant and refined like a goddess.
Par songdress04 le samedi 28 mai 2011


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