Miriam sweet wedding photographs

Miriam Yeung have never gone to Paris, every girl since childhood with a warm romance have long been eager to come together with love weddings dresses photography. Miriam said: "The shooting in Paris, the whole week, every day, drizzle, I will pray every night before going to sleep fine tomorrow, though I always wake up disappointed, but from the many twists and turns in, we also completed , Really happy! "
In addition to rain, the weather is very cold day of shooting, only about 3-4 degrees, camera two sweet, very involved, but after a shoot, the staff will quickly send warm clothing. The original appearance of strong build of the small child is very cold high, but each time finished a few shots, the clothes will be sent to Miriam first, before adding their own A-Line Bridal Dress. He said: "Miriam thin clothes, but also exposed shoulder, and I is the suit, warm much more! woman really is not good to do. "
Par songdress04 le samedi 28 mai 2011


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